Fund Awards 2022

Chester Community Energy Ltd (CCEL) has again awarded grants to local community groups from revenues received from its solar PV generating installations at Northgate Arena, Christleton Sports Centre and Neston Recreational Centre.  A total of £5000 was offered to local charities/community groups for energy reduction measures in their buildings. Six applications were received this year with five short-listed to attend a joint Zoom selection interview. A panel of four members of CCEL were responsible for the selection process and choosing the most deserving applications, with support provided by Cheshire West Voluntary Action. The panel consisted of Julie Savory, Sue Steeland, Graham Booth and Simon Brown ably assisted by Joanna Stanton of CWVA.

Applications were received from:

  1. Hoole Community Development Trust
  2. Hoole Lights
  3. Norley Village Hall
  4. Tilston War Memorial Hall
  5. Trinity Methodist Church Ellesmere Port
  6. Waverton Village Hall

The successful applications were:

  1. Hoole Community Development Trust, who received £1,100 for new LED lighting to the main hall in their building in Westminster Road, Chester.
  2. Norley Village Hall, who received £750 for LED lighting.
  3. Tilston War Memorial Hall, who received £750 for LED lighting
  4. Trinity Methodist Church Ellesmere Port, who received £1,900 towards a complete LED retrofit to their centre in Whitby Road
  5. Waverton Village Hall, who received £500 towards replacing the external lighting to their building in Common Lane.

The successful applicants appreciated the help from the grant which is awarded annually, subject to the performance of CCEL’s renewable energy assets. The amount of funding in the future will depend in part on the unpredictable British weather but it is hoped that the present level of funding will be maintained. Graham Booth, a director of CCEL, said “We are pleased to have once again helped more local community groups to improve their lighting and reduced running costs. At CCEL, the volunteers work hard to help combat climate change by delivering projects that reduce carbon emissions through energy reduction and renewable generation. Our aim is to bring more energy generation into community ownership and share any rewards within our communities”.

Hoole Community Centre

Norley Village Hall