Useful Links

Here is Chester Community Energy’s list of the top home energy advice and sustainable energy generation resources on the internet. We hope you find the list interesting and informative.

These are all independent third parties and we have no liability for their content.

Energy Advice and Tools

Get Energy Savvy: Simple, practical home energy-efficiency information.

Energy Cost Calculator: Handy energy cost calculator from

Energy Saving Trust: Cut your bills and reduce your carbon emissions with the independent and impartial advice available here.

Home Energy – New app to help you save money on your energy bills
The Council has teamed up with the Energy Saving Trust to bring you an app that will give you advice on how to use less energy in your home and save money. The app, which is available to download from both Apple and Android app stores (search CWAC Energy Advice Tool), takes you on a journey of a typical home and asks you some simple questions relating to electrical items within that room. Based on your answers it will provide you with the potential financial savings you could make, if you follow the simple changes it suggests.

Carbon Footprint Calculator: For homes and businesses via the ‘Cumbria Action for Sustainability’ web site. You will need to create an account and there are videos available on how to access and use the tools.

Ofgem: Comprehensive guide to Government energy saving support schemes and advice.

Cold Weather Payment: Check eligibilty and apply for a Government Cold Weather Payment.

Centre for Sustainable Energy: Bristol based charity providing extremely comprehensive information about renewable energy, home energy use, home improvements and sources of loans and grants.

Community Energy Projects and Support

Community Energy England: A not for profit organisation set up to provide a voice for the community energy sector and to help create the conditions within which community energy can flourish.

Other Sustainable Energy Resources

Centre for Alternative Energy: An educational charity dedicated to researching and communicating positive solutions for environmental change.